Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Long time...

I suck at writing a blog.. Like I don't know why I even started it, but when I go back to re read the ones I have wrote makes me want to start writing again.. So I am go again.. And maybe will keep it up (not likely) :) 
Austin has been playing on a sleet baseball team this last season! His team did amazing and won 4 trophies and one ring!  He starts his next season with them next week as a 7U player! I am so glad he has the love for a sport..  Cause I never did. 
Braxton starts football and Pre-K in a couple of weeks! He is getting so big! He is super excited about both! Growing up to be a great little guy! But good luck to his new teacher :):) hehe 

This is my newest niece! Isn't she beautiful?? I just love her! She is 4 months old, almost 5 :) 
This is Sasha and Ky! Sasha is pregnant with my godchild! I am beyond happy! :):) can't wait to spoiled her/him a lot! 

Love lots :) 
❤️❤️ Katrena 

Saturday, November 9, 2013

November 8th

Nov 8th--
I am thankful for football.. Lol who would of thought that.. It's not per say football as a game, but football in our football family.. We have met some amazing people, some who we call family now.  From the coaches, player and ladies in the stands- we are thankful for y'all! :) <3

Thursday, November 7, 2013

November 7th

Nov 7th--
I am thankful for my friends! Some I never talk to unless it's one of ours birthdays, something big happens or just a random thought.. Some I talk to everyday! But all in their special way they mean the world to me.. I haven't always been the best friend to them, and I hope they know how sorry I am for that..

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Days of Thankfulness

You I know I wasn't going to do the 30 days of thankfuls.. Cause I am thankful everyday- but I have decided that sometime I need reminder of the little things I am thankful for.. So today I am going to 1st threw 6th day... Hope you enjoy :) 

November 30 days of Thanks 

Nov 1st- 
I am thankful for my husband.. He is amazing, works hard for us, and get me.. These last couple of months have made me realize that things happen for a reason and even tho they scare us at first we can get get threw them together. I love you babe

Nov 2nd- 
I am thankful for my oldest son, Austin. He is my miracle, my warrior, my superhero! We came so close to not having him here, that november is always a month of reminding me what we have in him and what some parents don't have the chance too. I am thankful he is healthy, smart, outgoing (for the most part) and is here. 

Nov 3rd --
I am thankful for my youngest son, Braxton. He is my last child, my saving grace, and my wild child.  I always joke and say if Braxton would of been born first there would not of been a second kid! Lol he is my funny man, always making is laugh in some way. I am thankful he is my goofy, heathy and is just him. 

Nov 4th-- 
I am thankful for my family. Even tho we don't see eye to eye sometimes we still love each other.. They are always here for us and hope they always will be. :) 

Nov 5th-- 
I am thankful for Justin's family.. I would of NEVER thought I could love a family as my own, and them to me as well. They took me in as one if their own and has never let go. 

Nov 6th--- 
I am thankful for my best friend! She is amazing! Always there when she need to be and when she doesn't.. She is my rock with I need one and my tissue when I need that also. She can tell u what I am thinking usually before or at the Same time as me.. She can also tell u what I like, love and hate! :) love you! 

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

This and That

The other night we took my niece to Cooks Because of a accident at my moms house. She has a fractured Skull and had a small brain bleed, but is doing great and should come home today. Thanks for all the prayers out friends and family have them! 
Yesterday we went to wal mart and got some Halloween decorations for our house. (Oh yeah we moved into a house 2 weekends ago!)  we love the fact we get to start decorating for holidays! Here are some pictures of the front of the house! 

Austin will be 6 at the end of this month! :) 
Can't believe it. A blog is coming soon that touches on his birthday and how special his birthday is every year to us!
Braxton is loving his school like he did last year! Every Tuesday and Thursday is a easy day waking up cause he goes to school. Wish Austin was that excited haha!

Sunday, September 22, 2013


I am going to try to explain what is going on with Justin as simple as I can.. It's little bit more serious then we thought and since a lot of ppl know and some know some things I figured this would be easier. 
Justin about a month ago passed out at softball, (which he has passed out before) we went home and he was fine. That Saturday he passed out sitting at Chilis in Denton. Just sitting there... Since then he has passed out once and has had times where he feels like it but doesn't get to the point of passing out...we have seen many of drs. Yesterday we went to another heart dr and he wanted to do a tilt table test on him to see what his heart does when he passes out.. Well we were able to do that last night. During the tilt table he didn't pass out, so he now has a recording device under his skin next to his heart that records his heart and what's it's doing. We go back to the dr in 2 weeks.. At this point it is only a waiting game .. Thank You for all the prayers, phones calls and Text messages!